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Symbols & Insignia

Symbols and Insignia: About Us

FarmHouse Coat of Arms

Knights Shield   -   Protection


The White of the diagonal band   -   Worthiness, Innocence, Purity of ambitions -and- the best in Manhood

Diagonal Band   -    Noble Goals of worthy Manhood

Three Gold Stars   -   Three Great Attributes of Fraternity - Loyalty, Helpfulness, Pride

Lamp of Learning   -   Flamed Everlasting Ambitions in Scholarship

Sickle   -   Hard Labor necessary to achieve success

“As ye sow, so shall ye reap."

Sheaf of Wheat   -   Husband the fruits of one's accomplishments with prudence & intelligence

Crest/Esquire's   -   Helmet Reminder for members to conduct themselves as gentlemen




Green- For Spring

Gold- For Autumn

White- For Winter



Red and White Roses in equal number

Symbols and Insignia: About Us

The Badge of FarmHouse Fraternity

The Badge has the shape of a shield, and the member should cherish it as the knights of old did their shields. In no way should any act be performed, or any word spoken, that would bring disgrace upon the wearer, or upon the members of the brotherhood.


The Star stands for excelsior - a striving for those things that are highest and noblest, in an effort to be ever advancing. It should be a star of hope - a guiding star to the wearer.


The Crescent is an emblem of continued and ever-increasing growth and development. Its color, black, signifies fidelity to the principles of this Fraternity.

The Pearls stand for purity in thought, word, and action. A clean mind and high sense of morality are important traits of a FarmHouse member.


The Rubies signify the lifeblood of the organization, and they should prompt you to a proper attitude toward your brothers, to give assistance wherever possible, to praise for commendable deeds, and to offer constructive criticism for improper and ungentlemanly conduct.

The badge (standard or jeweled) may be worn by chapter, alumni, associate or honorary members. It is customarily worn "over the heart" on the left side of the chest, at an angle (left to right) approximately one inch up from the pocket corner. Traditionally it is worn only on collared shirts, sweaters, or vests. Though not preferred, it is acceptable to be worn on jacket lapels.

Symbols and Insignia: About Us

Standard Badge


Jeweled Badge 

Symbols and Insignia: Exec Board

FarmHouse Fraternity Purdue Chapter

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1028 Mitch Daniels Blvd, West Lafayette, IN 47906

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